Tuesday, March 27, 2018

5th and 6th Grade - Friday - Daily Announcements

5th Grade - No homework - PARCC testing for the rest for the week

6th Grade - No homework - PARCC testing for the rest of the week

Friday, March 23, 2018

5th and 6th Grade - Friday - Daily Announcements

5th Grade - No homework - PARCC Testing - Monday through Thursday next week

6th Grade - No homework - PARCC Testing Tuesday through Thursday next week

Friday, March 9, 2018

5th and 6th Grade - Friday - Daily Announcements

5th Grade - Branches of Power in BrainPOP

6th Grade - Optional - you can work on Stage 7 for China Quest. We will share the play these stages when we return from break.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

5th and 6th Grade - Tuesday - Daily Announcements

5th Grade - Introduction to the United States Constitution

6th Grade - Day 1 of the China Summative Assessment. We will finish tomorrow. Students can research, but not work on their Google Classroom document.

Monday, March 5, 2018

5th and 6th Grade - Monday - Daily Announcements

5th Grade - Discussed the 3 Branches of Government for the United States.

6th Grade - Students are creating questions for E.1 and H.4 for their Summative Assessment tomorrow.

Friday, March 2, 2018

5th and 6th Grade - Friday - Daily Announcements

5th Grade - We read the Sneetches by Dr. Seuss. Please discuss the lessons taught by this story.

6th Grade - We blocked with ELA for the ELA summative. We will be prepping for the social studies summative on Monday.